Kitchen Confidence is a fast-paced restaurant management game grounded in real-world experience in the food-service industry. Assume the role of a restaurant business veteran who will be helping underperforming restaurants increase their efficiency and ultimately save their business.

Planned platforms


Not necessarily the best crew, but they’re your crew.

Story mode will introduce a ton of colorful characters throughout the restaurant industry. When the player is ready to open their own restaurant, a team can be assembled to provide support.

Each of these characters has their personality, so there may be some hiccups along the way, but even if it’s not necessarily the best crew, they’re your crew!

Staff management - Headline image with text and character images

Who is on your dream team?

It’s up to the player to optimize and make the most of the restaurant. Decide the opening hours and the workers’ timetables and hire new workers when needed!


Stress and mental breakdowns - Headline image with text and characters

Remember to take breaks!

The heat often rises in the kitchen. Stress effects are events that can affect the stressed-out crew member positively or negatively. Some chefs will thrive in stressful environments others crumble.

Design meny and Mise en place - headline image with food images

It’s all about the preparations!

At the start, players will engage with pre-existing menus. As they delve deeper into the game, they will have more creative freedom, although Story Characters will still offer suggestions for menu ideas.

Designing a menu will be important as it will affect the type of customers that are interested in the restaurant and the costs. High-quality ingredients are expensive and they will spoil over time…

Well-done preparations are the key to balancing the workload of the kitchen between slow and busy hours. Mise en place means exactly that, preparations. Preparing the needed ingredients beforehand will help make the dishes faster and the work less stressful for the crew.

Economy and planning - Headerimage with character

It´s all about the profits?

Planning expenses and profits are important. Top-quality ingredients and a good reputation will help to entice the customers! The player has the ability to order ingredients and establish dish prices.

Building and design layouts - Headerimage with text and layout image

Redesign the restaurants!

A robust build mode where players can design their dream restaurant and get the exact atmosphere they are looking for. Good design helps chefs to do their jobs more efficiently.


Our team is refining and developing the game based on test player feedback and we have a roadmap planned for the future. The main points are shown on the image but there will be many steps inbetween these larger milestones.


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Kitchen Confidence is a labour of love and is based on real experiences in the restaurant business as a worker and business owner.